(Artist Unknown)
Poem # 1
I get lost with the breeze
That's what I've always been good at
That's something no one ever
Has to ask of me
~ Sakari
Poem # 2
I could cry about you every night
For the rest of my life
You wouldn't even know I existed
~ Sakari
Poem # 3
He's more popular
His life has to hold more meaning, right?
I'm just a writer
No one really ever sees me, right?
~ Sakari
Poem # 4
I swear I'm breathing
Maybe not as often as you
But I'm breathing
In negative spaces
~ Sakari
Poem # 5
The closer a heart gets
The more I feel this fading
Like my existence was fake
Like I'm not supposed to be
~ Sakari
Poem # 6
She could be a drop of clarity
The happiness that someone deserves
Some other guy that stood in line
Before or after me
~ Sakari
Poem # 7
I lost my touch when I lost hers
She was never touching me in the first place
But I thought her hands were close to my chest
At some point during our conversations
~ Sakari
Poem # 8
And just like that
My inner world started to rain again
Another flood again
With my eyes closing from tears again
~ Sakari
Author’s Notes: The support i’ve been getting is unimaginable. Thank you. Ummmmm…I don’t want to make this section too long, so i’ll just say that I have tons of poetry books. Like tons of quick affordable reads if you want more of my poetry.
Below is a series that a lot of people start off with me. It showcases my evolution as a poet. The first book is called “3am Thoughts,” and it showcases it is completely free. That’s one of the main reasons it isn’t on Amazon yet, as I have it as Perma free.
3am Thoughts:
I haven’t forgotten about those who are here for fiction as well. There is a sequel to my “Burn Brothers” short story. It is complexly affordable and a short read. The link is below, though it is double the size of its prequel. Enjoy :)
Flames Unversed: